
General Instructions
for Drivers
All terminal users should be familiar with these safety requirements before entering the terminal.
— Check-in at the
counter/security with the necessary documentation.
— Always remain in the cab of the truck or vehicle with the seat belt on.
— Exit of Truck/Vehicle is only allowed in the check areas or parking areas
with the engine off.
— Wear high-visibility helmets, footwear, and clothing.
— Maximum speed allowed 20 km/hour.
— Access to the terminal is prohibited under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
— Cell phone use while driving is prohibited.
— Passengers are not allowed in the terminal.
— Follow the authorized route, respect traffic rules, and horizontal and
vertical signaling.
— Pay attention to other users.
— Notify your presence to the operating staff vocally or with signal lights.
— Stop the vehicle in the proximity of the machines and wait for the
instructions of the operating staff.
— During the handling phases (loading and unloading) keep the vehicles
stationary by applying locking brakes, and wait for the authorization to move, by
the operating staff.
— The vehicles in the terminal must be in perfect technical conditions, in
conformity with the rules regarding the traffic and transport regulations.
— Disengage the twistlocks only when unloading
— Engage the twistlocks Fasten the containers at the chassis only when the machine
operations were finished.
— Do not pass under suspended loads